// Prism, POV 2.2 (but any version should work)
// See if light source bends inside glass (answer is "no!") -- one of those
//   things you always want to try, but never get around to
// John Kalstrom, johnk@smartstar.com, Oct 94
// Perhaps the ray is only shifted on one side of the glass, to save time?
//   (And camera is looking in at 90 degrees to the surface, so no shift.)
// And perhaps the ray being traced doesn't actually get traced back to the
//   light source from the "paper", because "diffuse" is handled differently?
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"

  location <-1, -1, -5>
  look_at  <2, 2, 0>
//  location <0, 2.5, -1>
//  look_at <0, 2.5, 0>

// Light (need lots, as cylinder blocks most of it)
light_source { <0 0 0> color rgb<8 8 8>  translate <-14.5, 17, 1> }

// Cylinder to collimate light
object { cylinder { <-0.5, 3, 1> <-14.5, 17, 1> 0.1 open }
    texture { pigment {color Pink} finish {ambient 0.5}}}

// Prism front (low index of refraction)
  box { <0 0 0> <4 4 0.5> }
  object { plane { <1, 1, 0>, 4*.707 } }
  texture { Glass pigment { quick_color Yellow } finish {ior 1.5 ambient 0.3} }

// Prism back (high index of refraction)
// This ought to show for sure whether there's a difference, even if there
//   are weird perspective effects from camera location
  box { <0 0 0.5> <4 4 1.0> }
  object { plane { <1, 1, 0>, 4*.707 } }
  texture { Glass pigment { quick_color Yellow } finish {ior 10 ambient 0.3} }

// Sheet of paper inside & outside prism, to show light path
object { box { <6, -3, 0.999> <-0.5, 4.5, 1.001> rotate <2 2 0> }
   texture { pigment {color White} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.99} } }

// prism.pov